Posted by: bukjam | September 22, 2009

Hakka (khek) Bangka Indonesia – Origin and Root

Hakka Bangka Shao Zhu 燒豬客家邦加印尼 ; Hakka Bangka Cake Bong Li Piang 黄梨餅客家邦加印尼 ; Archipelago Bangka Belitung Tourism 印尼邦加勿里洞旅行 ; History of Hakka Bangka Belitung in Tin Mining 客家錫采矿邦加勿里洞历史 ; Hakka Mian in Bangka Indonesia 麵客家邦加 ; Lo Fu Pan 老虎粄 ; Hok Lo Pan ( History of  Martabak Bangka) 福佬粄; Thew Fu Fa豆腐花 ; Hakka Bangka LUNG  The Longest New Year Dragon in Indonesia邦加過年龍 ; Hakka Indonesia Convention Bangka 2010 印尼客家大会邦加; Hakka Bangka Belitung Clan FamilyName 客家勿里洞勿里洞家姓;  Bangka Belitung Map 地图邦加勿里洞; The History of Bangka Island 邦加岛历史; Etymology Hakka Bangka Belitung 语源客家邦加; Data Statistik Orang Bangka Belitung 邦加勿里洞人的数据

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Hakka (khek) 客家 Bangka Indonesiaorigin and root

客家 邦加 印度尼西亚 – 客家本源

Hakka 客家 is one of the famous subgroups of Han chinese. Hakka 客家/Hak-kâ / (Pinyin : Kèjiā) literally means newcoming group.Formerly “hakka” is not the word used by hakka 客家people to introduce themselves, but it is an attribute from local people of where they come to live on. How hakka 客家 call themselves? Thong ngin 唐人. Meaning people of Thong 唐.

Hakka 客家has their own unique language, culture and capability. In China They are scattered in Guangdong, south-western Fujian, southern Jiangxi, southern Hunan, Guangxi, southern Guizhou, south-eastern Sichuan, and on Hainan and Taiwan islands. They are very brave, hardworking and tough.

In Bangka Island 邦加岛, Hakka 客家 is a majority people beside melayu 馬來 (Malay). In 1920 population, Hakka 客家 is 44,6% from the total 154,141. Most of Hakka 客家 in Bangka 邦加 come from Guangdong , Moiyan 梅縣 ( Pinyin : Méixiàn ) , and Hainan 海南 (Pinyin : Hǎinán ). Besides, Hakka from He Yuan, Dong Guan, Hui Zhou, Lei Zhou, Xin Ning also come together.

In the early time, most of the Hakka 客家 come to Bangka are miners. They are contracted miners in the tin mining 采矿 areas in Bangka Island 邦加岛, then move to Belitung Island 邦加岛 and Singkep Island. Formerly they work for Sultan Palembang, then British and Dutch. The miners are coordinated by a palleet theuw (Indonesia : Kepala Parit), a hakka’s word for chief of the tin mining 錫 采矿area. The palleet theuw also a hakka 客家.

Young man, poor and not educated are the typical of the Hakka miners 客家矿工 in Bangka 邦加. Some of the tin miners are back to china and some are stay to their final days. Those who stay interact with the local people comprises of melayu 馬來 (Malay), orang darat and orang skak. Hakka 客家 easily assimilated with the local because of the openess of the local people and the inheritance of hakka people 客家 人.

The main contributions of Hakka people 客家 人 to Bangka 邦加 are technology, agriculture and food. The technology is implemented in improving agriculture and mining 采矿. The agriculture is improved by bringing in pepper, some kind of vegetables, etc. Hakka people 客家 人bring fermented and preserved techniques to make foods, also bring thewfu 豆腐 (Pinyin : Thoufu), etc.

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  1. bangka mantap:)))

  2. Saya bangga kalo ada teman2 yg suka membuat sejarah seperti blog ini..tapi alangkah bingung saya kalo harus membaca huruf yg sama sekali kami tidak pelajari..mohon pada rekan2 untuk di buat 2 bahasa..jadi kan yg gak bisa bahasa hakka atau kanton, mandarin bisa ikut membacanya…sejarah bukan milik kalian lagi, tetapi milik kita bersama..Indonesia…Salam dari saya

  3. salam dari bangka, tulisannnya inspiring…:-D

  4. Banggalah jadi orang bangka..walau tdk besar di bangka…top buangeet..

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